Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Ranee's Gingersnaps

This post comes from a friend I've never met.  Funny how blogs can bring that about!  I'm sure you'll enjoy Ranee's recipes, starting with this one for one of my favorite kinds of cookie . . .

I began reading Angela's blog about two years ago, and have loved reading and trying many of her great recipes! It has been fun to "get to know her" a bit through the blogging world, and I was honored when she asked me to write a post while she was away!

Grandma’s Gingersnaps

When I was little, my grandma made the best Gingersnaps and it was always a treat to get to go to her house and eat these. This is her recipe and though it is simple, it makes delicious cookies that I have now learned to make as well! I figured this was the perfect recipe for Angela’s blog in honor of her newest little “gingersnap”. 

1 C. butter, softened
2 C. white sugar
1 C. molasses or sorghum
1 egg
1T. baking soda
1T. ginger
3 1/2  C. flour
Extra sugar for rolling

-Cream together butter and sugar, then add molasses and egg. 
-Combine dry ingredients, then add to creamed mixture.
-Chill for several hours or overnight, then form into balls and roll in sugar.
-Bake at 375 for 10-12 minutes, they should be slightly crisp on the edges and soft and chewy in the center! 
-These are yummy eaten warm or cold and (bonus!) they make your kitchen smell wonderful!

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