Monday, March 19, 2012

Turkey Stuffed Peppers

photo credit here

These were good.  Filling and not lacking in flavor.  There wasn't anything extra special about them, but it was a tasty dinner.

1 lb ground turkey
1 garlic clove, minced
1 small onion, minced
1 Tbsp chopped cilantro
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp ground cumin
salt and pepper to taste
3 large sweet bell peppers, washed
1 cup chicken broth, divided
1/4 cup tomato sauce
1 1/2 cups cooked brown rice
grated cheddar cheese

Heat oven to 400°.  Heat 1 Tbsp olive oil in a large saute pan on medium high.  Add onion, garlic and cilantro to the pan.  Saute about 2 minutes and add ground turkey.  Season with salt, pepper, garlic powder, and cumin.  Cook until meat is completely browned.  Add tomato sauce and 3/4 cup of chicken broth.  Mix well and simmer on low for about 5 minutes.  Add cooked rice and mix well.

Cut the bell peppers in half lengthwise and remove all seeds.  If the pepper half won't lay flat, use a sharp knife to cut off a paper-thin slice, giving the outside edge a flat surface.  You just need a very small spot so it will rest evenly and not tip back and forth.  Spoon the meat mixture into each pepper half, filling it as full as you can.  Place all stuffed pepper halves in a large pyrex baking dish and pour the remainder of the chicken broth on the bottom of the dish.  Cover tight with aluminum foil and bake for 25 minutes.  Remove foil and top each pepper with grated cheese.  Bake, uncovered, for 7 more minutes.  Finally, broil on high for 1-2 minutes, or until cheese is fully melted and starts to brown.  


  1. i think i just saw that picture on pinterest!

  2. could sub quinoa for rice - i've made stuffed peppers with quinoa and black beans before, it was still good!
