Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Mexican Chicken Soup in the Crockpot

We'd been gone away all weekend.  I hadn't planned ahead for meals on Monday and certainly wasn't prepared to do grocery shopping.  As my husband headed out the door, he asked what we were having for dinner and I told him I had no idea.  No big deal, except that when I headed back to the kitchen, I embraced the reality that we had next to nothing of the edible variety.  I should have taken a picture of the fridge so you'd believe me.  I had more food stocked three days before we moved overseas than I did Monday morning!  So this is what I came up with.  And I'm proud to say that I thought it was delicious.  Simple, yes.  But my husband and I both agreed it was tasty enough to make again (especially with some exciting toppings).

5 frozen chicken tenders
1 cup frozen corn
3 cups frozen chicken stock
1 can diced tomatoes with juice
1 chicken bouillon
2 cloves garlic, chopped
1 tsp. cumin
1/2 tsp. chili powder
three shakes crushed red pepper
1 can red kidney beans, drained and rinse
one handful cilantro, chopped

Put everything but cilantro in the crock pot.  Cover and cook on low for eight hours, or until chicken can be shredded with two forks.  Shred chicken, add cilantro, cover, and cook for thirty more minutes.  Top with cheese, sour cream, avocado, tortilla chips, or whatever makes it taste more "mexicany" to you.

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