Wednesday, March 23, 2011

White Chocolate Chips and a Little Break

I mentioned that our family was in a bit of transition.  We're actually in a lot of transition.  My husband's new job is taking us to England!  As of today, I officially have no dishes and I just let my neighbors raid my fridge, so I am forced to take a break from kitchen creativity for a while.  A few friends have agreed to share some of their favorite recipes with you, so the blog won't be totally empty while we're settling in.  I'm not sure how my "recipe box" will change as we head to the other side of the pond, but I'll be back, so stay tuned . . .

In the meantime, I'll leave you with one last little thought before my friends start posting.  The white chocolate chip.  Random?  Totally.  One of the few things left in my cupboards this past week was a bag of white chocolate chips.  Here's how I used them . . .

I made a batch of my favorite chocolate chip cookie and used white instead of the regular chips.  I actually didn't taste one, but the movers said they were great and I was pleased that the men who were handling all of my things seemed satisfied.

Sprinkle a dozen on a bowl of plain yogurt and granola.  They give just the right amount of sweetness to offset the bitter yogurt.

I didn't have enough honey to make a full batch of energy balls, so I melted some chips with the peanut butter and they turned out great.

My kids appreciated the little addition in their rice pudding this morning.  Milk, vanilla, cinnamon, a bit of butter, raisins and leftover brown rice warmed on the stove.  A few chips added on top made it a fun breakfast treat.

One chip fits perfectly on the inside of a halved strawberry!

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