Saturday, March 12, 2011

Lime, Grapefruit and Ginger juice

After coming across this recipe, I looked up to see one ripe grapefruit, a large piece of fresh ginger, and several limes singing to me in perfect harmony.  It was meant to be.  My 3-year-old said the drink was too "spicy", but I was glad I didn't have to share.  This went down as refreshing as a perfect summer day.  The ginger gives the citrus a little kick, which made for a strong breakfast juice.  But as much as I liked the get-up-and-go in the morning, it was just as good when I finished it off in the afternoon.  I liked it both room temp and cold.  The original recipe calls for more fruit than I had on hand, so here's what I ended up with.

2 Tbsp sugar
1 heaping Tbsp ginger, peeled then grated
1 1/3 cups water

1/3 cup fresh lime juice - 2 juicy limes
3/4 cup fresh grapefruit juice - 1 juicy grapefruit

In a small saucepan, over medium heat, stir together the sugar, ginger, and water.  Simmer for 5 minutes, transfer to a glass bowl or cup, and place in the freezer for a few minutes to cool.

Strain the ginger into a pitcher along with the lime and grapefruit juices.  You can either strain the citrus juices or leave them pulpy, just be sure to catch any seeds before they go in. Stir and taste, if you want a bit more sugar, go for it, but I found this to be plenty sweet.  Serve straight in a tiny chilled glass with ice.  Or use a splash to freshen up a glass of sparkling water.

Makes about 2 cups.

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