Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Red Posole

Our friend, Julie, passed on this recipe (along with some of her Mexican Oregano - thank you)  She's a much better cook than I'll ever be, so I knew it was going to be good.  It's probably been my most favorite soup this winter.  I just can't get enough of this stuff!  And it makes a lot, so get ready to share or have leftovers.

2 lb. lean pork
3 lb. posole, dried, frozen, or canned hominy
1 qt. water or chicken broth for cooking
1 tsp salt
1 bay leaf
1/2 tsp each of black pepper, ground cumin, and Mexican oregano
4 garlic cloves, minced
2 Tbsp medium red chili powder (I only had 1 Tbsp and the soup still had plenty of flavor)
mild large chili pods to cook with meat and remove when meat is tender, optional

Serve with optional toppings:
cojita cheese (feta works as well)
fresh limes
tortilla chips

In a large heavy pot, boil the pork and bay leaf in salted water or chicken broth until tender (30-60 minutes).  Remove the bay leaf.  Add the uncooked hominy and all the other ingredients.  Cover and simmer until the hominy kernels swell and burst open, about 45 minutes.  If using the canned, cooked hominy, simmer and cover until heated through, about 20 minutes.

1 comment:

  1. Yum! SOOOO good! I agree that 1 T. is plenty of chili powder. I had to add 4c. of liquid after simmering the pork because it simmered away all the chicken broth (maybe I wasn't supposed to keep the lid on?) but the pork was super tender. I used a small cubed pork tenderloin and 2 cans of hominy (what is 3 lb. dried posole anyway??)Mark was scared of the hominy but loved it after he gave it a try. We would make this more often if Trader Joes sold hominy. I wonder how it would be with a couple cans of corn...
