Saturday, November 27, 2010

Turkey Leftovers

I hope you all enjoyed feasting while focusing on all we have to be grateful for.  We've just about cleaned up all the leftovers save the turkey.  What is it about the Thanksgiving meal that I don't mind eating more every day (both lunch and dinner!) until it's gone?!  I chose a big bird this year so we were sure to have plenty of leftovers!  Last year, this was one of my favorite uses of the leftover meat.  I'll be trying out this one next week and will let you know how that turns out.  What are you doing with your leftovers (if you still have any!)?


  1. We made turkey enchiladas tonight! Yumm! :)

  2. Alex raves about Turkey pot pie - that's what his momma used to do. I was lazy this year and we are just doing sandwiches - I LOVE leftover turkey sandwiches.
