Friday, October 29, 2010

Nutella Hot Chocolate

About a month ago, my family and I popped into a local cafe to try out their Nutella Hot Chocolate.  Oh.  YUM!  Even my husband, who isn't a huge fan of hot chocolate (and will actually make fun of you for ordering hot chocolate at a coffee shop!) really enjoyed it.  The temperature dropped a bit this week and I wanted a yummy warm drink to cozy up with last night.  How hard could it be to make my own specialized hot chocolate?  Not very.  I'm actually drinking it again for the second night in a row as I type this.  YUM!

1-1 1/2 cups milk (depending how rich you want it)
1 Tbsp. cocoa
2 Tbsp. Nutella
1/2 tsp. sugar
dash of salt
1/4 tsp. vanilla

Warm milk in a heat-proof mug for 2 minutes.  Add cocoa, Nutella, sugar and salt and stir vigorously until thoroughly mixed (that is, thoroughly de-chunked).  A mini frother or tiny wisk works perfectly!  Stir in the vanilla.  Sip and enjoy . . .


  1. YUM. I will save this recipe until we can get to a city with Nutella.

  2. I love nutella, but that's a bit much (picture)!! Can't wait to try this hot cocoa recipe, thanks for sharing1

  3. Sign me up for the bath-o-nutella fo' sho'
