Monday, April 9, 2012

Chickpea Veggie Burger

I love my sister's creativity.  It just seems to spill out of her, and this recipe is the perfect example of that.  Not only can she just make stuff up, she makes it look super yummy, too!  Thanks for posting today, Aubyn.

First of all, congrats to Ang on the birth of her beautiful baby girl! I am a proud Aunty once again =)  Secondly, I want to say how much I love this food blog! My sister is a fabulous cook, and I can say first hand that I have loved everything she has ever cooked for me! Even when I was doubtful of her odd flavor/ingredient combinations!  My top 3 "Let's Eat" recipes are: the chocolate chip cookies (I get asked for the recipe almost every time I make these!), the chicken enchiladas, and the italian pot pie (this makes a regular appearance at our dinner table).  Without further ado, here is my recipe. I made this up one evening because I needed to use up some chick peas and fresh rosemary. 

(makes approximately 6 patties)

1 can of chick peas, mashed with a potato masher
1/2 of a red pepper, chopped finely
1/4 cup cheddar cheese, grated
1 sprig of fresh rosemary, chopped finely
handful of green onions, chopped
1/4 cup breadcrumbs
2 eggs
1 garlic clove, minced
salt and pepper

Mix all ingredients in a medium size bowl. 
Form into medium sized patties.
Heat up some olive oil in a saucepan.
Fry patties in the oil for a few minutes on each side until golden brown.
Serve in a bun or on a salad. (I also froze some for an easy kid/adult lunch option)

(I apologize for the vague, non-professional instructions.....I usually just kind of guess at these things!)

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