Friday, March 16, 2012

Apple Steel-Cut Oatmeal in the CrockPot

Another point for the crock pot.  Typically, the last thing I want to think about before I go to bed is what I'm going to serve my family for breakfast in the morning.  You want to eat?  Again?!  But I've been trying to get more creative (and save some pennies) than our standard cereal and milk.  And since I did plan out breakfast the night before, and gave this recipe a try, the four of us enjoyed a delicious and hearty bowl of special oats first thing in the morning with minimal prep on my part, which is never a problem for me!

3/4 cup steel-cut oats
1/2 cup coffee cream (1/2 & 1/2)
2 Tablespoons raw cane sugar, brown sugar, or maple syrup
1 medium apple, washed and grated
1/2 cup apple sauce or apple butter
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 cups water

In a 4-cup Pyrex measuring cup*, mix together all the ingredients except the water, and combine well. Add the water and slowly mix to combine.  
*You'll see below that I used two glass jars instead of a large pyrex cup (I never get rid of peanut butter jars!).  Before adding the water, I divided the oat mixture between the jars.  It worked out to be about 1 cup per jar.  Then I carefully mixed one cup water into each jar.

Place the measuring cup in the bottom of a slow-cooker and nearly fill it with room temperature water. It should come up the edges of the Pyrex cup to the same level as the oatmeal.  Cover slow-cooker and place on Low. Cook for 6 hours.  My oatmeal ended up cooking for eight hours and was still good.

Don't mind the nasty film on the water.  There was some paper residue on the outside of one of the glass jars . . .

In the morning, carefully remove lid and take out the Pyrex cup. Give the oatmeal a good stir, then portion into four bowls. Serve with cream, fresh chopped apples and toasted walnuts.

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