Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Want to be a Cooker?

My oldest gingersnap told me the other day that he wants to be a "cooker" when he gets bigger.  Specifically, he wants to be a "breakfast cooker and not cook lunch or dinner".  It makes perfect sense: his mom loves to cook and the boy eats three times as much breakfast as anyone else in our house.  So a breakfast cooker he shall be!

With recent talks of "being a cooker", we've also been talking about being hungry.  My two gingersnaps are constantly "hungry".  At least they think they are.  More likely they're bored, or just want to eat something that tastes good (which I can totally relate to!).  We've been working on learning what being hungry really is and our World Vision Gift Catalog arrived at the perfect time to help with that lesson.

World Vision is one of many non-profit organizations that seek to help those suffering from the causes of poverty and injustice.  While we dine on holiday delicacies, I am working to help my children learn (and remind myself) that there are those who won't know anything but hunger as a Christmas dinner this year.  Instead of sharing a recipe today, I thought I'd share a few ways that you can feed someone this season who knows what it means to truly be hungry.  I bet they would appreciate you being their cooker.

a little boy I was blessed to spend time with at an orphanage in China

feeding a family for one day only costs $16

ships food packs to nearly 70 countries around the world

1 comment:

  1. Here is a favorite of ours: Mennonite Central Committee's Living Gifts, sold through Ten Thousand Villages. Thanks for posting this and spurring others on to love and good deeds!
