Thursday, March 17, 2011

Red and Green Pasta Salad

Happy St. Patty's Day!  Here's some green for you . . .

A while back, my mom brought me this fun pasta from Italy!  I've been waiting for the perfect recipe to use it, but just decided to go for it today.  I had a red pepper and lots of broccoli that were about to go bad.  All the red and greens involved mixed beautifully for a lunch that my kids and I thoroughly enjoyed.

I tossed the chopped brocooli and red pepper with about 1 Tbsp olive oil and a lot of Penzeys' pizza seasoning (at least 1 1/2 Tbsp).  Next, I roasted the veggies at 425 for about 20 minutes, tossing once.  Meanwhile, I cooked the pasta, drained it, then tossed it with 1 Tbsp butter before adding the roasted veggies and a little salt.  Top that with Parmesan cheese and we were good to go.  I think it would be good room temp as well.  My son thought it was great that all the food "matched"!