Thursday, November 4, 2010

Rotisserie Chicken

I tried out this idea from Our Best Bites.  It was a mighty fine tasting bird, but I wouldn't go so far as to say it was a fair replacement for the real deal rotisserie stuff.  My garlic was MIA when I was getting everything ready, so that could have upped the flavor a bit.  Either way, it was delicious and easy and fun to try something a bit different with the crock pot.

1 whole chicken, small enough to fit in your slow cooker
Salt-based seasoning (Seasoning salt, Cajun seasoning, lemon pepper with salt in it, etc. Just make sure salt is one of the first ingredients on the label.)
Whole garlic cloves, peeled
fresh herbs

Make 3 balls of aluminum foil and place them in the bottom of your slow cooker. These hold the chicken off the bottom so the hot air can circulate all around the chicken and so it's not stewing in its own juices.

Rinse chicken, including the cavity, and pat dry with paper towels. Place the chicken on its back so the breast is facing up and the legs are on the plate. If you want (and I actually strongly recommend that you do UNLESS you're looking for a neutral flavor), pull the skin up all around the chicken.  Slice a few garlic cloves in half lengthwise and stick them under the skin. You can also arrange a couple sprigs of fresh herbs, like rosemary, thyme, and/or sage under the skin. This makes a very pretty chicken when it's all cooked and adds a lot of flavor.

Rub salt-based seasoning VERY liberally onto the skin of the chicken. Place chicken breast-up on the foil in the slow cooker, cover, turn heat to low, and leave it alone for 7-8 hours.

1 comment:

  1. I have been wanting to try this out ever since I saw that post originally! It looks pretty!
